MRI at 60, Toronto, April 2024

MRI at 60 is a conference being held to mark the 60th Anniversary of the 1963 Toronto Anglican Congress, a seminal event in the history of Anglicanism’s worldwide spread.

It is sponsored by the Canadian Church Historical Society, the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Foundation of Canada. It will take place in at St Paul’s Church, 227 Bloor Street E, Toronto on 12-14 April 2024.

The keynote address will be given by the Rev’d Canon Prof Mark Chapman of the University of Oxford: A Tale of Two Anglican Congresses: London 1908 and Toronto 1963. Panel presentations will feature presenters from Canada, the USA, Australia, England, Kenya, Malawi, the Philippines, and South Africa. Associated events will include a free public lecture by Prof Chapman, ‘On Consulting the Faithful’: an Anglican understanding of the laity, in St. James’ Cathedral, at 7.30 pm on Friday 12 April. A thanksgiving service will take place with the Most Rev’d Linda Nicholls presiding and the Rt Rev’d Jo Bailey Wells preaching, at 11 am in Sunday at St. James’ Cathedral.

Participants can book to attend in-person (CAD$150 including some meals and refereshments) or online (absolutely free).

The conference timetable has now been published on this website; twenty-one papers will be submitted for the conference and a full digest of abstracts is also available here.

This site contains a gallery of video, audio, and images from 1963 and a library of Toronto 1963 Documents.

The call to papers for the conference is also available on this site; the deadline for submission of proposals is Wednesday 14 February.

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